
How To Pay Bill

Step 1

Find the mailed/emailed billing statement, showing the balance due. 

Step 2

You will need the following information:
- Patients First & Last Name
- Patients Date of Birth
- Account Number Located On Mailed Statement
- Account Number Example :  FHSTXF100128-1

Step 3

Use Correct Payment Link that Matches Letters on Statement


Our billing department hours of operation are:

Please contact our Billing Department:

  • Billed Charges: This is the amount the facility & professional companies charge the insurance company and does not reflect the final amount due by insurance and the patients. 
  • Allowed Amount: After negotiation with your insurance company this is the final amount, they determine the visit to be worth.
  • Insurance Payment: This is the amount of payment received by the insurance company for your visit.
  • Patient Balance: This balance is determined by the following:
    • Allowed Amount - Insurance Payments = Patient Balance Due    
    • This is the amount your insurance company determines as your responsibility. 

The letters are representative of the location for the visit and the numbers are what we use to identify the patient or what is often called the Medical Record Number (MRN).

When billing insurance companies, they require us to generate two separate bills for the visit.

  • The first bill is called the "Facility Bill" this shows what services were provided at or by the facility.
  • The second bill is called the "Professional Bill" this shows what services are provided by the provider preforming the care. 
  • In some cases, there may a be an additional "Professional Bill" if more than one professional treated you during your visit. 

If you are unable to locate your account online, please contact our billing department during operating hours. 

Please contact our Billing Department:

An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is created by the insurance company to explain how your health insurance benefits are applied to your visit. On this EOB, they will break down the "Allowed Amount" for each billed charge and also show you how patient responsibility was determined. By law, your insurance company is required to send you this explanation, please contact your insurance company for questions regarding the EOB.  

We always want to work with our patients due to financial hardships.

Please contact our Billing Department:

We are happy to discuss and review your account.

Please contact our Billing Department: